Friday, February 20, 2015

The Library Dome, and Special Guest

I thought the dome of The Library would lend itself to some illumination, so... 

Here's all the fiddly bits. I recall something about concentrated magic giving-off an octarine glow... I'll have to settle for a blue gel.

This little light, with six LEDs, was a freebee at some trade show. Here I've added the blue gel over the lens (octarine gels are currently unavailable).

Making a quick mount for the light... cardboard tube and masking tape, nothing very brilliant.

Card support ring will center the light within The Library. And the half of a Ping-Pong ball (either the ping, or the pong) should help diffuse the light within the dome.

Hand-held test fit. So far, so good.

Ping (or pong) light diffuser glued in place atop The Library.

The dome isn't glued in place yet, thus the light bleeding out around the base. Other than that, I think this is ready. Makes a nice nightlight. .smile emoticon

AND THEN... I awoke brainstorming again. I think I now know where to place The Librarian. This quick test silhouette is MUCH too big and man-shaped, but I think it might work nicely, even at a smaller size.... First test, just to see if this would actually work. 

I found this actual orangutan photo somewhere on the web. 

Simplified, and printed in various sizes to see what looks best inside the dome.

This first orangutan was a bit too small.  The one on the right will work better.

Everything back in position, with the blue glow. smile emoticon

Done!  Next - The HEM.

The Library Weathervane

There was much debate among other Discworld fans on Facebook as to what the printed weather vane is meant to represent... Bacon?  A wizzard's sock (windsock)? Weathercock (rooster)?  Wooden plank?  I looked through several of the Discworld books, and concluded it must be a well-weathered stylized weathercock.  If you squint a bit and screw-up your eyes just right you can see the rooster's head to the right, and long feathers flowing to the left. Ahem.

Below the weathercock sits an double-domed octagon, possibly representing the four directions of the Discworld (Hubwards, Rimwards, Turnwise, and Widdershins).  The other corners could be the in-between directions HT HW RT and RW. To form the domed shape, I first cut-out the octagons, then rubbed them with my thumb on half of a ping-pong ball to give them a convex shape.

Not certain... but I think this weathercock might be upside-down. Yes? No?

If all else fails, I have created this alternative weathercock in honor of The Librarian.

Also makes a unique party hat.

Next: Lighting the Dome... and a special guest.

The Library, pt.2... The Dome

The Library has a glazed dome with copper(ish) framework. Looking at the printed pieces from the book, I wondered if the glass might not be better-represented with glossy photo paper.  I scanned the windows artwork and printed on the new paper.  

Base section of the glazed dome on The Library. I copied the lower glazed section onto gloss photo paper. The copperwork belt section is the original matte paper from the book.  After assembly, I decided to cut-out the circular center pieces to allow addition of internal lighting.

The darker paper ring should prevent light from showing through the belt line.

I found the photo paper more difficult to form and glue than regular paper, something to keep in mind in the future.  Closing the seams proved to be a bit of a learning process.

Framework in place, which helps hide some of the bad seams. I might try this one again later, after I've had a bit more experience working with domes.

Next: The mysterious weather vane.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

The Library, pt.1

This is the first of the larger buildings. The main structure looks simple enough, but I ran into some problems with walls not matching-up to the printed base, and I'm still not sure if the mistake was mine, or the books. I may build this one over again, with added translucent windows, separate doors and raised details. If so, I'll have a chance to find the fault(s).

My toolbox has grown considerable since the beginning... a trend which would continue for several weeks. 

Major mismatch of the floor plan and the walls... from now-on I will remember to leave extra material around the edges when I cut out the base.

You can see the gaps at this inside corner... possibly why my base didn't fit better.

I don't particularly like the gaps between sections of the parapet... next time I'll handle this differently. 

Happily the roof came together correctly, important since it is one of the most visible components.  

Next time I'll raise these details, and possibly add separate roof shingles. I'll repair the damaged paper at the peak.

 Next up - the Library Dome!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Modo's Garden Shed

Moving up to a more complex structure. Modo's Garden Shed includes a few buttresses and a multi-part building.  I opened the holes and windows in Modo's shed, opened the printed "hole" of the chimney, and added foam foliage to the ivy and compost pile.  I'll probably change the compost pile when I begin final landscaping... I feel there should be multiple piles in a various states of decomposition.  Finally, I included one of the "jangling wire baskets on wheels" which found a home with Modo in Reaper Man, though I still haven't decided what to put into the basket.